Simple Interrupted Suture: It is the most common and easiest suture technique. Insert the needle perpendicular to the epidermis then the suture is placed. Vertical insertion helps to engage deeper tissue more widely than superficially, allowing for faster wound healing. It leads to thinner scars and aesthetically pleasing results. The bottom stitch should be wider than the top. Lastly, secure the suture by tying a knot.
Continuous suture: It is a simple interrupted suture with no breaks. The suture is started by placing a simple interrupted suture, which is tied but not cut. Simple sutures are placed continuously without cutting or knotting the suture material. Finally, secure the stitch by tying a knot after the last pass.
Running Locking Sutures: Simple running sutures can be locked or unlocked. Initially, the knots for running locking sutures are similar to those for conventional running sutures. Next, lock the stitches by passing the needle through the loop as you place each stitch.
Vertical mattress suture: It is a variation of the simple interrupted suture. Insert the needle into the wound edge and include a wider tissue bite before exiting the skin at the same location on the other end of the wound edge. The needle is then reinserted on the second side of the wound and exits the skin at the same location on the first side of the wound. The stitches are secured with knots.
Horizontal mattress suture: The needle is inserted 5 to 10 mm from the edge of the wound and exits the other side of the wound. The needle is then reinserted on the second side of the wound and exits the skin at the same location on the first side of the wound. The stitches are secured with knots.
Running subcutaneous sutures: It is a buried form of running horizontal mattress sutures. The stitches go through the deep layers of the skin in a zig-zag pattern. No scars or marks are visible.
To obtain ideal results, high-quality instruments must be used depending on the nature of the wound. The basic suture kit includes:
Important considerations for choosing a suture material include:
There are two types of sutures, absorbable and non-absorbable.
The goals of sutures include:
The selection of the correct suturing technique and careful planning is essential to achieve the desired outcome. Removing non-absorbable sutures at the right time is important to avoid suture-shaped marks on the skin.