IUDs, or intrauterine devices, are highly effective methods of contraception that have been used for decades. This form of birth control has a low failure rate and can provide long-term protection against pregnancy. IUDs are easily inserted into the uterus by a medical professional and can remain in place for up to five years. They work by either releasing hormones or, in the case of non-hormonal IUDs, preventing sperm from reaching and fertilizing the eggs. As IUDs are placed by a medical professional, they require a simple training process.
The first step in IUD training is to educate both the provider and the patient on the device. This includes providing information on how the device works, common side effects, and other important safety considerations. The next step is for the provider to observe the patient inserting the device and ensure that it is done correctly. Providers should also view the strings attached to the device so that they can be monitored each time the patient comes in for a checkup. Lastly, providers must thoroughly document the insertion process in the patient’s medical records.
By providing comprehensive training on
IUD insertion and upkeep, healthcare providers can ensure that the device will remain safe and effective for the patient. Through this process, patients can be fully informed of the risks associated with IUD use, as well as its potential benefits.